Monday, May 23, 2011

Thoughts on War

As I make my way towards Octavius's troops, I then thought that his troops had a lack of fighting experince.  In this case, I told my messenger Messala to send my message to Cassius on the other side which told Cassius to make a surprise attack.  As Messala is sending the message, I just begin to wait.  Finally, I then see Titinius and Messala returning giving me the good news that they have defeated Octavius's army.  But then when all comes to worse, Messala finds Cassius dead and tells me the news.  I was grieved of his death and I planned to make a funeral for him.

(Fighting in the Battle)

Opposing Enemies

It was time for Cassius and I to march to Philippi.  Before the battle begins though, the four of us had our discussion but it was mainly bashing each other with insults and threats.  Then when Cassius asks me what we will do if we lose the battle, I said to consider it as suicide.  Also, we then begin to wonder about what if we really do lose.  Our only hope we had as of then is to say our farewells as we split apart to challenge our enemies because we really don't know if we'll see each other again after this battle.

(Cassius and Me Marching to Philippi)

Ghost of Caesar

(Ghost of Caesar)

In my tent still, Cassius and I are trying to figure out what we must do about the battle against Antony and Octavius. Cassius decides that we should remain in Sardis because he thinks that their troops would be tired from the distance they would have to travel. But I prefer to march to Philippi and Cassius then accepts it. Everyone leaves and I'm left with Lucius who has fallen asleep. Since I wasn't able to sleep, I began to read. And then before I knew, I'm sure I saw the ghost of Caesar who has said that we will meet again at Philippi. I then ran to the others and asked if they saw it as well but no one has.


When Cassius saw me, he was accusing me of wronging him.  I did not want to discuss it at the moment yet because there was people around and I wanted us to discuss it alone so no one else will hear and also have some privacy.  So I decided that we should go into my tent to talk about it.  I found out that he was mad about me bribing Lucius to despite Cassius's letters.  So then, I just begin to taunt him with a bunch of things.  Cassius then breaks down and offered me his dagger to kill him and I just stepped away.  After seeing that, I told Cassius about my great grief and that is that Portia had killed herself. I then speak no more then start planning our strategy.

(Cassius's Argument with Me)

Sunday, May 22, 2011


It was time for me to settle everyone down to make my speech about why we killed Caesar.  I told the citizens to not worry because even though I loved and honored Caesar, I love Rome more.  I thought that Caesar was too ambitious and I have killed him for Rome's sake.  If anyone had disagreed with me, I would've used the same dagger I killed Caesar with to kill myself if the citizens wanted me to.  No one has disagreed with me and they said that they wanted me to take over Caesar's spot.  I was glad that they took the time to listen to me and approve.  But it was Mark Antony's turn to talk so I had to leave.

(Announcing My Speech)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Killing of Caesar

After Metellus approaches Caesar with a request that he knows Caesar will not grant, Cassius and I added our pleas as the our conspirators go towards Caesar.  Then suddenly, all of the conspirators stab Caesar and I am the last to stab him.  I then said that all of us should wipe Caesar's blood on our hands.  A servant asks me if it's okay for Mark Antony to come and have me explain why we had to kill Caesar and I said that I will explain.  We told Antony that we had to kill him for the citizens of Rome.  Antony and I then decided to have a speech of why this has been done. 

Thinking Things Over

After having the discussion with Cassius about Caesar, I am still troubled.  I've been walking up and down through my orchard and I tell Lucius to bring a candle in for me.  I then begin to talk aloud to myself about my thoughts that I have for Caesar because I've been really thinking about what things Cassius has said to me.  I fear that when Caesar becomes king, that he will overuse his power.  Lucius then walks in and hands me a letter but I wonder who it is from.  I then begin to read and whoever it may be, they want me to go against Caesar and I must do what the people of Rome wants.

That same night, Cassius and his conspirators showed up.  He tells me that we should assassinate Mark Antony as well but i think we shouldn't because he has no power now that Caesar is dead.  And all we did was basically plan out our plan for killing Caesar the next day.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Discussion with Cassius

In the town of Rome today, Cassius and I walked a little farther away from everyone else.  Cassius asked me if I could stay for the festivities and I did not really want to stay.  Then we both started talking about Caesar.  Cassius asked me how I felt about him being the new ruler and I told Cassius that I think Caesar should not be the ruler of Rome and he agreed with me.  Cassius was trying to tell me his explanation of how he feels about Caesar being ruler and his reasoning made me think more about not wanting Caesar to be ruler of Rome. Casca then comes along and tells us that they gave Caesar the crown three times but he refused to take it. We then went our separate ways and I promised Cassius I'll see him tomorrow.

(Cassius and I talking)